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Declaracion de Rebelion contra el Imperio Galactico Empty Declaracion de Rebelion contra el Imperio Galactico

Mensaje por Invitado Jue Mayo 20, 2010 11:24 am

Dos años antes de la batalla de yavin y tras los tratados de corelia (vistos en force unleashed) se emitio la declaracion de rebelion contra el emperador y su reino les dejo el texto.

We, the beings of the Rebel Alliance, do this day send forth this Declaration to His Majesty, the Emperor, and to all sentient beings in the Galaxy, to make clear to all the Purposes and Goals of this Rebellion. We firmly acknowledge the importance and necessity of the institution of Galactic Government. We accept that all must subjugate themselves to that Government, giving up certain rights and freedoms, in return for peace, prosperity and happiness for all.

We believe that the Galactic Government derives its power and right to rule from the consent of the governed.

We believe that, should the rights of free beings be willfully and malignantly usurped, it is the unalienable right of said beings to alter or abolish said Government.

We believe that the Galactic Empire has willfully and malignantly usurped the rights of the free beings of the Galaxy and therefore, it is our unalienable right to abolish it from the Galaxy.

We do not take this course lightly. Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes, but when a Government displays a history of usurpation, abuse and moral atrocity, displaying a clear design to subjugate totally and absolutely beings born free under the auspices of nature, it is our right—our duty—to depose of that Government.

The history of the present Galactic Empire is of repeated injuries upon its members, with the direct objective of establishing you, Emperor Palpatine, as absolute tyrant over the Galaxy:

You have disbanded the Senate, the voice of the people;

You have instituted a policy of blatant racism and genocide against the nonhuman peoples of the Galaxy;

You have overthrown the chosen leaders of planets, replacing them with Moffs and Governors of your choice;

You have raised taxes without the consent of those taxed;

You have murdered and imprisoned millions without benefit of trial;

You have unlawfully taken land and property;

You have expanded the military far beyond what is necessary and prudent, for the sole purpose of oppressing your subjects.

We, the Rebel Alliance, do therefore in the name—and by the authority—of the free beings of the Galaxy, solemnly publish and declare our intentions:

To fight and oppose you and your forces, by any and all means at our disposal;

To refuse any Imperial law contrary to the rights of free beings;

To bring about your destruction and the destruction of the Galactic Empire;

To make forever free all beings in the galaxy.

To these ends, we pledge our property, our honor, and our lives

y antes de que me lo pongan como incongruencia el senado imperial dejo de tener un verdadero peso desde ya mas de 5 años antes de esta declaracion cuando el emperador ordeno la muerte de un grupo de senadores que se oponian a el entre ellos se cree que jar jar binks estaba en ese grupo.

y esta imagen les dara una idea de donde se inspiraron para esta declaracion:

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Declaracion de Rebelion contra el Imperio Galactico Empty Re: Declaracion de Rebelion contra el Imperio Galactico

Mensaje por Roboto Dom Jun 13, 2010 12:46 pm

Grand Admiral Thrawn escribió:y antes de que me lo pongan como incongruencia el senado imperial dejo de tener un verdadero peso desde ya mas de 5 años antes de esta declaracion cuando el emperador ordeno la muerte de un grupo de senadores que se oponian a el entre ellos se cree que jar jar binks estaba en ese grupo.

Interesante dato sobre el destino de Jar Jar Binks, gran aporte.

Mensajes : 6332
Fecha de inscripción : 12/01/2010
Edad : 40
Localización : Eternia

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