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Thundercats (2011) Nueva info.!! EmptySáb Dic 17, 2022 11:40 pm por Roboto

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Mensaje por Mer-Man Dom Jun 19, 2011 11:39 pm

Señores, les dejo esta importante info. que el mismo escritor y productor, Michael Jelenic dió en una entrevista referente a algunos personajes!

Lion-O:"We might have taken some big departures story-wise, but we still latched onto what the themes of the show were," Jelenic told IGN. "A boy becoming king and growing into that role."
One of the things that was most memorable about the old Lion-O were his inner monologues of struggle ("Under…water…can't…breathe…"). "I think we won't do that," Jelenic laughed. "You know one of the things the old show did a lot was they sent Lion-O off alone. Him and Snarf would go off and then reunite with the others at the end. So there was probably no one to talk to when he was in trouble and in those situations."

Snarf:No, it's a pretty different take on Snarf. He looks mostly the same as the old design, but now he's more like a house pet. So he doesn't really speak and he communicates with Lion-O in the same way your dog or your cat would communicate with you. So the annoyance factor has now decreased tenfold."

Panthro:"Panthro's pretty similar in this one," Jelenic revealed. "He's the oldest character and he's the only one who's seen the larger world of Third Earth. He has a lot of skills and talents and experience that the other characters don't have. He's actually experienced technology before, while the other ThunderCats haven't. He knows things like the ThunderTank and when we see the ThunderTank he's going to be the guy driving it just like on the old show."

"Panthro used to be a general in the king's army in Thundera. So he's the one always shaking his head when Lion-O wants to do something stupid on the military front. And on top of all that he's still the best fighter of the group. He's actually turned out to be a pretty cool character, just like on the old show."

Tygra:"I guess 'The Scientist' is what a lot of fans call him," Jelenic noted. "He was someone we had a lot of concern about because he, unlike everyone else, was someone people might say didn't 'pop' as much. So the way we addressed that was to get away from him being the architect, or the scientist, of the series and tried to expand on his character. And the way we did that was we made him the adopted brother of Lion-O."

"Tygra's the older adopted brother and from everyone's point of view in the kingdom, he's the one who should be king. He's the better fighter. He's the smarter of the two. So he overcompensates for the fact that he can't be king. He wants to show everybody that they're making a mistake by making Lion-O king just because Lion-O is part of the bloodline and only lions can be king in Thundera. So he has a chip on his shoulder. He resents his brother but still loves him. And through the first part of the series we see that dynamic play out; with Lion-O getting handed a position that Tygra doesn't think he deserves and Lion-O making missteps along the way that create tension between the two of them. And then of course there's a love triangle between those two and Cheetara. And Tygra wondering if he's going to lose out to his brother again when it comes to love."

Cheetara:Girl characters on action shows always get short-changed for a lot of reasons," Jelenic remarked. "A lot of people's instinct is to make the female character the voice of reason on a team show. And then the effect of that is that they become a boring character. So we try to stay away from that with Cheetara."

"She's actually one of the elite fighters of Thundera. [Part of] a group called the Clerics, under Jaga's command. And they're basically the secret service for the king. So she's a better fighter than Tygra and Lion-O. And she has some magical qualities too, that she's learned working under Jaga. She's a counselor to Lion-O too. Where Lion-O doesn't believe in himself, Cheetara is the one person on the team who knows what he's capable of and pushing him towards his ultimate place on king. And because of it, Lion-O interprets a lot of her interest as affection. So we start seeing some possible romance between the two."

Mumm-Ra:"When we start off there will be tons of questions that we don't answer right away," Jelenic said, "but every episode focuses on a new bit of mythology and we chip away at it and slowly reveal things about the characters. There will be a lot of questions about Mumm-Ra and where he's from and what his goal is. But we're not going to answer them all immediately. We'll get to where he's from and where he's from and how he relates to the Cats and Third Earth, but you may have to watch a couple episodes before you get any of that."

Ro-Bear Berbils:"Ro-Bear Berbils are ridiculous characters" Jelenic admitted. "We're trying to age up the ThunderCats here and the question is how they might fit into this new version, because they were basically Ewok rip-offs back in the day. Half teddy bears, half robots. They grow candy fruit but they don't eat it. So there was a question of, 'Do we even use them in this version?' But again, I think that some of the charm of the old show was how bizarre and out there the ideas could get. So I think the challenge for us is to take the characters that are iconic from the old version and try to make them work for what we're doing. So I think we did make the Berbils work. They come off pretty charming. And the candy fruit is still in there!"

Slithe:"You're going to see all those guys [Mutants]," Jelenic assured. "Again, we're not going to give you everyone right off the bat, so some mutants you may have to wait a few episodes for. Slithe is pretty much right up there in the beginning and he's the first mutant you meet and then the team starts to build from there. But we'll see all of them."

Así que eso es lo que hay que esperar para ver!

Y algo más!!! Les dejo artes conceptuales de la serie:

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Mumm-Ra se ve impresionante...

Mensajes : 3779
Fecha de inscripción : 21/10/2010
Localización : México

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Mensaje por Zan Lun Jun 20, 2011 12:01 am

Gracisa man, las imagenes estan geniales y si mumm-ra se ve imponente que bueno que esta seguro a como sale la figura sera el unico el unico que llegue a comprar ha ha ha ha

Última edición por Zan el Lun Jun 20, 2011 12:33 am, editado 1 vez

Mensajes : 9061
Fecha de inscripción : 11/04/2010
Localización : Costa Rica

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Mensaje por Captain Sea Hawk Lun Jun 20, 2011 12:25 am

Bueno si Mumm-Ra se ve impotente de nada serviría ver la serie :ggg:
Captain Sea Hawk
Captain Sea Hawk

Mensajes : 5881
Fecha de inscripción : 13/01/2010
Edad : 37
Localización : Costa Rica

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Mensaje por JagaNoKiba Lun Jun 20, 2011 12:30 pm

Los Thunderkittens se ven HORRIBLES...

Mensajes : 68
Fecha de inscripción : 09/06/2011
Edad : 31
Localización : Galaxia del Limbo...

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Mensaje por Reina Angella Lun Jun 20, 2011 10:51 pm

Que interesante info Mer-man muchas gracias, concuerdo con JagaNoKiba los Thunderkittens no me gustan :MN: aunque pudieron estar peores, Panthro no me cuadra con patillas :duy: Snarf me parece super cute me encanta como va a estar el personaje ahora, extrañaré que pueda hablar pero así se va a ver cute :dance: y Mum-ra igualito al viejo Mum-ra igual de imponente concuerdo con Capi y Zan :Good: Los demás Thundercats geniales
Reina Angella
Reina Angella

Mensajes : 2559
Fecha de inscripción : 08/08/2010
Edad : 49
Localización : Reino de Bright Moon

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Mensaje por Zan Mar Jun 21, 2011 12:26 am

Panthro es un asco como lo dibujaron es el peor de todos!

Mensajes : 9061
Fecha de inscripción : 11/04/2010
Localización : Costa Rica

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Mensaje por Reina Angella Mar Jun 21, 2011 9:24 pm

Panthro con quitarle las patillas y el poco cabello que le pusieron queda bien pero los Felinos sobre todo Felina eso que le hicieron al cabello, y en general su carita me recuerda a la prima de Ben10 y eso si que es grotesco :uuy:
Reina Angella
Reina Angella

Mensajes : 2559
Fecha de inscripción : 08/08/2010
Edad : 49
Localización : Reino de Bright Moon

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Mensaje por Zan Mar Jun 21, 2011 11:01 pm

:megalol: :megalol: :megalol: LA PRIMA DE BEN 10 HA HA HA HA ME MATASTE

Mensajes : 9061
Fecha de inscripción : 11/04/2010
Localización : Costa Rica

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Mensaje por Reina Angella Miér Jun 22, 2011 7:43 pm

Así que te maté Zan hehehe, hasta solo de pensarlo me hiciste botar de la risa :megalol: :megalol: :megalol: Pero es que sí se parece :megalol:
Reina Angella
Reina Angella

Mensajes : 2559
Fecha de inscripción : 08/08/2010
Edad : 49
Localización : Reino de Bright Moon

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Mensaje por Mer-Man Jue Jun 23, 2011 8:01 pm

"As far as background goes though, we really tore that thing up and it's going to blow a lot of people away. Mumm-Ra's pyramid is really going to surprise people. We're going to explore a lot more. The old show really had Mumm-Ra be an ancient mummy and it never really got into his motivations or his character. Or what drives him. And they never explored the deeper side of the pyramid in that show. And on this new show, we take that opportunity. And there are treasures to be found there. It's kind of where he reaches into his bag of tricks."

Esto deberá de ser épico. Es de las cosas con las que me quede con ganas de ver en la serie original... y el hecho de que vayan a profundizar en la pirámide así como con el personaje de Mumm-Ra, me encantó.

Mensajes : 3779
Fecha de inscripción : 21/10/2010
Localización : México

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Mensaje por Zan Jue Jun 23, 2011 11:12 pm

WOW QUE bueno, ya quiero empeza a verla :Good: :Good:

Mensajes : 9061
Fecha de inscripción : 11/04/2010
Localización : Costa Rica

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Mensaje por Invitado Vie Jun 24, 2011 9:37 am

Al chile se ven interesantes , no me desagrada la influencia anime que tienen los personajes de echo creo que les da mas propiedad que a sus predecesores que parecian una continuacion del universo de Motu , Mumm ra si creo que mejoro , las alas no se pero los para los japoneses el malo principal tiene que tenerlas o no es suficiente mente malevolo y otra cosa los felinos tienen cola ??? eso signifca que todos tienen cola ovio son gatos pero no se

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Mensaje por Zan Vie Jun 24, 2011 9:44 am

Eso es lo raro son los unicos que se les ve cola, sera porque no an desarrollado ha ha ha, no se pero esta raro que solo a ellos le pongan cola!

Mensajes : 9061
Fecha de inscripción : 11/04/2010
Localización : Costa Rica

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Mensaje por Captain Sea Hawk Vie Jun 24, 2011 9:54 am

Aún prefiero los diseños clásicos, estos no me la venden. Pero la serie se sigue viendo interesante.
Captain Sea Hawk
Captain Sea Hawk

Mensajes : 5881
Fecha de inscripción : 13/01/2010
Edad : 37
Localización : Costa Rica

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Mensaje por Mer-Man Vie Jun 24, 2011 4:29 pm

El asunto del por qué algunos tienen cola y otros no, ya se había puesto por ahí en el primer tema, creo...

Mensajes : 3779
Fecha de inscripción : 21/10/2010
Localización : México

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Mensaje por Zan Vie Jun 24, 2011 10:44 pm

Mer_Man escribió:El asunto del por qué algunos tienen cola y otros no, ya se había puesto por ahí en el primer tema, creo...

no recuerdo haberlo visto o leido man :hmmn:

Mensajes : 9061
Fecha de inscripción : 11/04/2010
Localización : Costa Rica

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Mensaje por cifrax Mar Jun 28, 2011 6:05 pm

O.K ya es oficial!!!

Thundercats, uno de los dibujos animados más queridos de la década de los 80 y una fuerza cultural continua, llega a Cartoon Network en una reinvención de la serie animada icono.ThunderCats cuenta la historia del viaje de un héroe para cumplir su destino final. La serie comienza con un evento premier de una hora especial el viernes, 29 de julio a las 8 pm (ET y PT). Tras el estreno, el programa será transmitido regularmente en Cartoon Network los viernes a las 8:30 pm (ET, PT) a partir del 5 de agosto.

Mensajes : 5471
Fecha de inscripción : 22/01/2010
Edad : 43
Localización : Costa Rica

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Mensaje por Mer-Man Mar Jun 28, 2011 9:06 pm

Así es y con lo que han dicho, los asistentes podrán ver la premiere!! You fuckers have some luck!

Mensajes : 3779
Fecha de inscripción : 21/10/2010
Localización : México

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Mensaje por Zan Mar Jun 28, 2011 10:01 pm

Genial que buena informacion al fin la espera ah terminado! :Good:

Mensajes : 9061
Fecha de inscripción : 11/04/2010
Localización : Costa Rica

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Mensaje por Mer-Man Sáb Jul 09, 2011 12:42 am

Bien por poner las imágenes, Dark.

Lo de las bios dejan conocer un poco más sobre la historia y el posible desarrollo de los personajes.

Para mi, destaca lo siguiente:

Lion-O: "Lion-O is the only cat who can defeat Mumm-Ra, but first he must find the four magical stones that will give him the power to overcome the ultimate evil."

Tygra: "Tygra loves to remind Lion-O that he’s “always second place” (except when it comes to who holds the crown!) and can’t resist pushing his younger brother’s buttons."

Cheetara: "Trained under her mentor, the wizard Jaga, Cheetara is a powerful magician and the last living Cleric. Her duty is to protect Lion-O and the Sword of Omens at all costs."

Wily Kit & Wily Kat: "Wilykit and Wilykat are searching for Eldara, the fabled city of treasure... Kit plays her magical Flupe to hypnotize enemies while Kat uses his amazing Flink to grapple his way up to heights others can’t reach. "

Panthro: "Panthro is the greatest general Thundera has ever known and as tough as they come...Panthro also drives the Thundertank and won’t let anyone behind the wheel because it’s his pride and joy. In his journey with the other cats, Panthro has his own agenda -– he’s going to find Grune and get revenge for his betrayal."

Mumm-Ra: "The cats believed he was a myth, but they were wrong –- he’s a living nightmare! He wants the Sword of Omens and will destroy anything that stands in his way. "

:Sorprise: :arro:

Mensajes : 3779
Fecha de inscripción : 21/10/2010
Localización : México

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Mensaje por Reina Angella Jue Jul 21, 2011 11:24 pm

Muy buenos puntos a destacar de las bios, muy interesantes, está serie promete con lo que ya he visto en YT pero quiero más :oooh: :Jijiñ.:
Reina Angella
Reina Angella

Mensajes : 2559
Fecha de inscripción : 08/08/2010
Edad : 49
Localización : Reino de Bright Moon

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Contenido patrocinado

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