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Emiliano Santalucia Q&A

Emiliano Santalucia
Mariano vann Grayskull
Captain Sea Hawk
Pablo MZK
Mike Bock
15 participantes

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Emiliano Santalucia Q&A Empty Emiliano Santalucia Q&A

Mensaje por Mer-Man Dom Ene 06, 2013 6:10 pm

Emiliano Santalucia Q&A Emilianoqa

Aquí se harán todas las preguntas que deseen hacerle al buen Emiliano Santalucia, que amablemente irá respondiendo a la manera de lo posible.

Como recordatorio y como a cualquier otra persona, se les pide que hagan los comentarios, debates, aclaraciones  y respuestas sean con el respeto que todos merecemos.

As a reminder and like any other person, we ask to you that the commentaries, debates, clarifications and answers are with the respect we all do deserve.

Thanks Emiliano!

NOTA: Si algún miembro tiene una pregunta que hacer y no sepa inglés, no se preocupen. Pues sólo basta con que le pidan a alguien de los Administradores o Moderadores si de favor les hacen traducción al inglés. Esto para es para facilitarle mucho las cosas a Emiliano, OK?

Emiliano, looks like some of us already have questions for you! Ha,ha!
Emiliano, pues creo que algunos ya tienen preguntas que hacerte! Ha,ha!

Here the first ones:
Aquí las primeras:

Man-At-Work. Q: My first question: When will be available the next Power & Honor Foundation catalog?

Mi primera pregunta: Cuándo estará disponible el próximo catálogo de la Power & Honor Foundation?

Tryklone. Q's: Which of the MOTUC figures would you have designed differently?
Which are your favourite ones? Which are the ones you dislike?

Que figuras de MOTUC habrías hecho distintas?
Cuales son tus favoritas?
Cuales son las que no te gustan?


Mensajes : 3779
Fecha de inscripción : 21/10/2010
Localización : México

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Emiliano Santalucia Q&A Empty Re: Emiliano Santalucia Q&A

Mensaje por EXTENDAR! Dom Ene 06, 2013 7:36 pm

Hola Emiliano, bienvenido! mi pregunta: cuantos volumenes pensas que podrian hacerse del catalogo The Power and the Honor?

Gracias por adelantado. Ah! y si algun mod me traduce porfa, gracias!

How many volumes of the Power and Honor catalog do you think you can make?

Mensajes : 438
Fecha de inscripción : 29/05/2012
Edad : 44
Localización : Buenos Aires, Argentina

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Emiliano Santalucia Q&A Empty Re: Emiliano Santalucia Q&A

Mensaje por Mike Bock Dom Ene 06, 2013 7:58 pm

Ya te la traduje Extendar!
Mike Bock
Mike Bock

Mensajes : 16314
Fecha de inscripción : 11/01/2010
Localización : Costa Rica

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Emiliano Santalucia Q&A Empty Re: Emiliano Santalucia Q&A

Mensaje por Pablo MZK Dom Ene 06, 2013 8:18 pm

What is your opinion about the one-shot comics from DC so far? which you think of the best and worst? about history and art.

cual es tu opinion de los comics one-shot de DC hasta ahora ? cuales te parecieron los mejores y peores ? en cuanto historia y arte .
Pablo MZK
Pablo MZK

Mensajes : 5894
Fecha de inscripción : 18/04/2010

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Emiliano Santalucia Q&A Empty Re: Emiliano Santalucia Q&A

Mensaje por Captain Sea Hawk Dom Ene 06, 2013 10:19 pm

Thank you to give us the chance to ask you a few questions, Emiliano. I'm friends with you in Facebook, you can see me as Juan C. Castillo (Capy) Emiliano Santalucia Q&A 2987174275

Are there any plans to produce a complete Filmation style guide of He-Man and She-Ra characters? We were able to see just some of them in the DVD covers and some other MOTU-related products, but it would be great to see a style guide as José Luis García-López did with DC Comics in mid-80's.

Hay planes de producir una guía de estilos completa de personajes de Filmation de He-Man y She-Ra? Pudimos ver algunos de ellos en las portadas de los DVD y otros productos relacionados a MOTU, pero sería grandioso ver una guía de estilos como la hizo José Luis García-López con DC Comics a mitad de los años 80.

Última edición por Mr. Captain el Dom Ene 06, 2013 10:47 pm, editado 2 veces
Captain Sea Hawk
Captain Sea Hawk

Mensajes : 5881
Fecha de inscripción : 13/01/2010
Edad : 37
Localización : Costa Rica

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Emiliano Santalucia Q&A Empty Re: Emiliano Santalucia Q&A

Mensaje por Man-At-Work Dom Ene 06, 2013 10:44 pm

Emiliano, I'm moving my original question to this thread: I've followed your blog and posts on facebook and actually I've had some questions answered by you before (I'm Francisco Marchena on facebook). That's why I want to really know what are the main points of debate/discussion/differences of opinion between you and Mattel, if any.
Translation to spanish...
Emiliano, estoy moviendo mi pregunta original a este tema: he seguido tu blog y tus posts en facebook, de hecho me has respondido algunas preguntas antes (soy Francisco Marchena en facebook). Por eso quisiera saber realmente cuales son los principales puntos de debate/discusión/diferencias de opinión entre tú y Mattel, si es que hay alguno.

Mensajes : 1368
Fecha de inscripción : 07/05/2012
Localización : Bogotá

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Emiliano Santalucia Q&A Empty Re: Emiliano Santalucia Q&A

Mensaje por Mariano vann Grayskull Lun Ene 07, 2013 11:08 am

Como se que Emiliano participo de los comics de MVCreation basados en MYP, me gustaría preguntarle los nombres de los miembros del Cosejo de Wisdom y del Consejo de Ancianos que luchaban junto al Rey Grayskull.

Can I ask you the names of the Council of Wisdom and Council of Elders who fought alongside King Grayskull?
Mariano vann Grayskull
Mariano vann Grayskull

Mensajes : 6615
Fecha de inscripción : 18/01/2010
Edad : 45
Localización : Evergreen Forest

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Emiliano Santalucia Q&A Empty Re: Emiliano Santalucia Q&A

Mensaje por Pablo MZK Mar Ene 08, 2013 7:57 pm

tengo otra !

podrias darnos algunas referencias de esa biblia 200x de la cual tu recientemente hablaste?

Could you give us some points about this 200x bible which you spoke recently?
Pablo MZK
Pablo MZK

Mensajes : 5894
Fecha de inscripción : 18/04/2010

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Emiliano Santalucia Q&A Empty Re: Emiliano Santalucia Q&A

Mensaje por Jonh Mar Ene 08, 2013 11:12 pm

In how many concepts of the line 2002 did you participated? And what are those who finally became a figure?

¿En cuantos conceptos de la linea 2002 participaste? ¿Y cuales llegaron a convertirse en figura finalmente?

Mensajes : 2596
Fecha de inscripción : 02/04/2010
Edad : 43
Localización : Argentina

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Emiliano Santalucia Q&A Empty Re: Emiliano Santalucia Q&A

Mensaje por trilogia Miér Ene 09, 2013 4:20 am

"Creo que una parte importante de tu vida está asociada a He-man, ¿Cómo llegaste a decir, quiero ser dibujante..quiero dibujar masters del universo?"
"I think a big part of your life is associated with He-man, how did you say, I want to be a cartoonist/penciller .. I want to draw masters of the universe?"

Mensajes : 233
Fecha de inscripción : 07/05/2010
Edad : 46
Localización : Alicante (españa)

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Emiliano Santalucia Q&A Empty Re: Emiliano Santalucia Q&A

Mensaje por Emiliano Santalucia Miér Ene 09, 2013 6:34 am

Hello everybody!
First of all, thank you for the very warm welcome here and on the Saludos thread, you're making me feel very good and I surely miss some good old interaction with fans :)
Also thank you so much for all the compliments. I feel I'm first and foremost a fan, but I'm glad my humble contribution to the world of MOTU is appreciated. I don't really care about being popular or such, but I care about the quality of what I do, and if my work is still fondly remembered, I can't ask for more :)

Of course, as expected, from Monday, Hasbro has immeditaly started bombarding me with work, so right away my time to answer the questions was reduced considerably. But a promise is a promise and I will try to answer a few here and there while taking a break between the various assignements. Maybe I'll save the most complicated ones for later.
I had typed a very long respose for the first question asked in the other thread, but not being familiar with this forum software yet, I did something wrong and the post disappeared, so that will take a bit. And maybe for the better, as it was a delicate subject ;)

Onto the first questions:

Mer-Man escribió:

Man-At-Work. Q: My first question: When will be available the next Power & Honor Foundation catalog?

Mi primera pregunta: Cuándo estará disponible el próximo catálogo de la Power & Honor Foundation?
Unfortunately the simple answer is: we don't know yet. We are working on multiple projects though and we have A LOT to share.
First thing to keep in mind is that all of these projects require a lot of time. And finding it between our regular jobs is not easy. The Foundation is not a job or a business. So, devoting time to adjust thousands of scans and photos is very hard, and neither me, James or Josh can't take too much off our daily jobs. But we surely didn't create the Foundation to just keep the art for ourselves, plus we're a real charity organization under US laws and we're bound to share the collection. So, sooner or later, we'll have something new, I just can't tell how and when exactly. Most of the past year has been spent on behind the scenes work: scanning, photographing, archiving etc. We plan to publish a full report of all our activities hopefully soon.
We will also clarify what the legal issues have been. For obvious reasons we couldn't comment on legal dealings while they was going on, but still what were supposed to be confidential informations that could damge us and Mattel have been revealed by other parties against our will. Once resolved, though we aim for complete transaprency and we'll have a full report about that too, including how and if that will influence our plans.

Tryklone. Q's: Which of the MOTUC figures would you have designed differently?
Which are your favourite ones? Which are the ones you dislike?

Que figuras de MOTUC habrías hecho distintas?
Cuales son tus favoritas?
Cuales son las que no te gustan?
Hmmm, hard question. I like 99% of the 4H job, so I rarely look at the figures and think I would have done something different. Sometime, when I do, it's about Mattel enginering.
I guess you all heard about Sorceress wings. I had a completely different enginering solution for them. The concept used was exactly the same I designed, but a few details had been changed making my design not working as it was supposed to be, hindering arms' movement and having those giant drums on the shoulders. Now, I can't tell if the drums would have still been there due to Mattel's safety requirements, but my solution would have at least allowed for full arms' movement while keeping the wing cape "on-model".

There are other small things. For example there was a huge debate about the Star Sister, for which I'm partially responsible. Looking back, if I could give more suggestions, I should probably have pushed for a look closer to the original prototypes and not so Filmation.

Also hard to tell which figures are my favurites... That constantly change as new figures come out. I know I really appreciated Whiplash, I love Orko and the new King Randor. I also have a soft spot for She-Ra, but all of them are great the same to me! :)
The least favourite.. well, I think my picks about those are well known :D But I don't even consider Spector and Laser-Lot as part of MOTU, so I can't include them in a least figures' list.
Probably, at the bottom of my likes there are Carnivus, Marzo (I just don't have any attachement for those designs) and to a degree even Horde Prime. Don't get me wrong, I think Eric Treadaway did a great job for him, but I was really hoping for something bigger and crazier. A giant figure that looked really scary and weird. I think I somehow prefer to have him displayed as the UK Horde Prime, just because of the naive and funny look he has.

EXTENDAR! escribió:Hola Emiliano, bienvenido! mi pregunta: cuantos volumenes pensas que podrian hacerse del catalogo The Power and the Honor?
Gracias por adelantado. Ah! y si algun mod me traduce porfa, gracias!
How many volumes of the Power and Honor catalog do you think you can make?
Honestly? With the stuff we have probably around 10. We're counting toy design, toy guide, a lot of Filmation materials etc.

heavy-eternium escribió:What is your opinion about the one-shot comics from DC so far? which you think of the best and worst? about history and art.

cual es tu opinion de los comics one-shot de DC hasta ahora ? cuales te parecieron los mejores y peores ? en cuanto historia y arte .
I admit I haven't read all of them. My first reaction was not to the story, but to the politics. The very first new He-Man comic released since 2005, didn't even feature He-Man, but Sir Laser Lot.
Well, we don't even see him in his full costume if I'm not wrong. Other MOTU characters are barely mentioned.
I didn't like that at all. And I can't agree with the counter arguments given: Geoff Jones fans would have jumped aboard MOTU. Really? How many Jones fans sticked with MOTU and started buying MOTUC figures? Unless someone present me actual numbers, I have no reason to believe those were not more than a handful.
Another argument is that we must accept change. Sure, I can accept change. If change is good. I don't criticize something only because is different. I criticize something if A: is not very good; B: if it betrays some basic priciples of MOTU.
The EL story looked nothing like MOTU. I have nothing against some art experimenting in MOTU, but it has to still mantain a certain feel for that world, something I think the EL one shot missed.
Everyone seems to like the new Adora story. I think it's okay. They got the character right and got how to make it interesting. But it's far from being a great story (it's a just a few pages prologue basically.) The thing is, once we get one of those that is above the usual low average, of course it will look a lot better.
I know I sound very negative, and I know it's easy to say I'm so critical because I'm not involved in those comics. Believe me, I have no desire to go back to draw comics right now, I'm very happy with toy design. I just have a very strong opinion and I feel like those characters are my buddies, I really want to see great stories and storytelling for them!
BTW, I really liked the art on Orko and to a degree also the Skeletor one shot (I just didn't like the design choices on that)

Mr. Captain escribió:Thank you to give us the chance to ask you a few questions, Emiliano. I'm friends with you in Facebook, you can see me as Juan C. Castillo (Capy) Emiliano Santalucia Q&A 2987174275

Are there any plans to produce a complete Filmation style guide of He-Man and She-Ra characters? We were able to see just some of them in the DVD covers and some other MOTU-related products, but it would be great to see a style guide as José Luis García-López did with DC Comics in mid-80's.

Hay planes de producir una guía de estilos completa de personajes de Filmation de He-Man y She-Ra? Pudimos ver algunos de ellos en las portadas de los DVD y otros productos relacionados a MOTU, pero sería grandioso ver una guía de estilos como la hizo José Luis García-López con DC Comics a mitad de los años 80.
If you want to know if Mattel or Classic Media have plans to release such a style guide to the public, I can't answer that question, I simply don't know (but style guides are not meant to be published)
But, a style guide using those characters from the DVD already exists. Is the style guide Classic Media created which is being used for many products, from the glasses to all the shirts.
The style guide was created using the art from the DVD, but the art I did was specifically produced for the DVD and you saw all of them there. As far as I know, there hasn't been any new art created specifically for the new style guide. Unfortunately, in my opinion, Classic Media - or who they hired to do it -did a very bad job at vectorizing the art. All the artwork picked for the style guide was converted to vector format, but I can see they didn't do a stellar job in converting it. Of course, they didn't have all the full size files with separated layers to work with. If you compare the Christmas sweatshirt with the Christmas Special cover, you'll see what I mean. I had done tests at converting the files and the results I was getting working from the original files were a lot better.
Originally, Classic Media had contacted me to do the job, then they misteriously disappeared. Later on it became quite obvious that somebody at Mattel told them to not use me. What makes me sad is that the lost the opportinuty to work from the original files and gets better quality vector images.

Anway, on a more positive note, I'd still love to one day release a sketchbook of my DVD art, which would most likely include all my MOTU and POP DVD art :)

That's it for today, I will asnwer more questions soon :)

Última edición por Emiliano Santalucia el Miér Ene 09, 2013 8:16 am, editado 1 vez
Emiliano Santalucia
Emiliano Santalucia

Mensajes : 4
Fecha de inscripción : 05/01/2013

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Emiliano Santalucia Q&A Empty Re: Emiliano Santalucia Q&A

Mensaje por daimar Miér Ene 09, 2013 8:03 am

genial emiliano!!!

uno puede acordar o no con los pensamientos de emiliano, pero está genial el hecho de que se tomó tiempo en responder y no fueron respuestas escuetas, eso lo considero altamente positivo.

Mensajes : 4687
Fecha de inscripción : 15/08/2011
Edad : 46
Localización : Cordoba, Argentina

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Emiliano Santalucia Q&A Empty Re: Emiliano Santalucia Q&A

Mensaje por Pablo MZK Miér Ene 09, 2013 9:13 am

gracias por tu tiempo emiliano , muy pero muy ricas respuestas . a esperar las proximas respuestas . Emiliano Santalucia Q&A 3587113722
Pablo MZK
Pablo MZK

Mensajes : 5894
Fecha de inscripción : 18/04/2010

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Emiliano Santalucia Q&A Empty Re: Emiliano Santalucia Q&A

Mensaje por MAX CERE Miér Ene 09, 2013 9:17 am

Great answers!!!! Thanks Emiliano !

Mensajes : 1488
Fecha de inscripción : 30/07/2012
Edad : 46
Localización : Buenos Aires, ARG

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Emiliano Santalucia Q&A Empty Re: Emiliano Santalucia Q&A

Mensaje por Tryklone Miér Ene 09, 2013 10:34 am

Thanks for the thorough answer to my question Emiliano! Very interesting insights!

Mensajes : 735
Fecha de inscripción : 01/01/2012
Edad : 39

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Emiliano Santalucia Q&A Empty Re: Emiliano Santalucia Q&A

Mensaje por Mariano vann Grayskull Miér Ene 09, 2013 11:03 am

Como Daimar pienso que puedo estar de acuerdo o no en cosas expresadas por Emiliano con anterioridad, pero esto de la escritura en internet muchas veces no permite interpretar lo que el que escribe quiere expresar.
Con respecto a las respuestas de Emiliano a MOTULA, sinceramente muchísimas gracias, es de destacar el haberse tomado el tiempo para responder, y la dedicación en redactar las respuestas; es muy valorable, Emiliano no dudo en extenderse lo necesario en cada respuesta, no fue amarrete a la hora de escribir; me gusta destacar esto, porque por ejemplo cuando le preguntamos a Scott, generalmente él nos ofrece respuestas hiper escuetas, casi monosilábicas, eso es una lástima, y por eso merece ser remarcada la actitud de Emiliano, se hizo un espacio de su tiempo y en ningun momento dudó en extenderse tanto como consideró necesario.
Gracias Emiliano y te esperamos ver seguido por MOTULA.
Mariano vann Grayskull
Mariano vann Grayskull

Mensajes : 6615
Fecha de inscripción : 18/01/2010
Edad : 45
Localización : Evergreen Forest

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Emiliano Santalucia Q&A Empty Re: Emiliano Santalucia Q&A

Mensaje por servalle2001 Miér Ene 09, 2013 11:27 am

Thankksss!!!! Emiliano!!!!

Mensajes : 296
Fecha de inscripción : 21/08/2012
Localización : ARGENTINA

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Emiliano Santalucia Q&A Empty Re: Emiliano Santalucia Q&A

Mensaje por Captain Sea Hawk Miér Ene 09, 2013 11:36 am

Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions, Emiliano. We know you are a really busy man with Hasbro behind you and everything but taking the time to provide these answers really means a lot for us.

Hope to see you soon here in MOTULA Emiliano Santalucia Q&A 646978321
Captain Sea Hawk
Captain Sea Hawk

Mensajes : 5881
Fecha de inscripción : 13/01/2010
Edad : 37
Localización : Costa Rica

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Emiliano Santalucia Q&A Empty Re: Emiliano Santalucia Q&A

Mensaje por Pablo MZK Miér Ene 09, 2013 5:04 pm

me parece que no va hacer falta traducir lo que dijo Emiliano , en este caso el trad universal si bien no es perfecto se entiende bastante bien .

Última edición por Heavy-Eternium el Lun Jun 10, 2013 7:33 pm, editado 1 vez
Pablo MZK
Pablo MZK

Mensajes : 5894
Fecha de inscripción : 18/04/2010

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Emiliano Santalucia Q&A Empty Re: Emiliano Santalucia Q&A

Mensaje por Pablo MZK Miér Ene 16, 2013 10:23 am

Ah queria recordarles por si alguno no se dio cuenta que Emiliano santalucia se registro en MOTULA y esta respodiendo preguntas a nuestros usuarios .
Otro hito de la mayor comunidad motu en español . Emiliano Santalucia Q&A 646978321

Un agradecimiento a Emiliano ! que pronto seguira respondiendo !
Pablo MZK
Pablo MZK

Mensajes : 5894
Fecha de inscripción : 18/04/2010

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Emiliano Santalucia Q&A Empty Re: Emiliano Santalucia Q&A

Mensaje por supersonicshion Mar Oct 22, 2013 10:56 pm

Mil disculpas por la ignorancia, pero alguien me explicaria bien cual fue la relacion de ES con Mattel y por que se distancio? Gracias!

Mensajes : 63
Fecha de inscripción : 22/10/2013

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Emiliano Santalucia Q&A Empty Re: Emiliano Santalucia Q&A

Mensaje por Mariano vann Grayskull Miér Oct 23, 2013 8:48 pm

En resumen muy resumido:
Él manejaba el tema de los comics de 200x; después todo lo referido a esa "era" de MOTU se canceló y obvio, su vinculo con Mattel llegó a su fin. Después, hoy en día, Mattel no lo tuvo en cuenta para nada relacionado a MOTUC, Emiliano se enojó, y acusa que le robaron algunas ideas.
Mariano vann Grayskull
Mariano vann Grayskull

Mensajes : 6615
Fecha de inscripción : 18/01/2010
Edad : 45
Localización : Evergreen Forest

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Emiliano Santalucia Q&A Empty Re: Emiliano Santalucia Q&A

Mensaje por supersonicshion Miér Oct 23, 2013 9:08 pm

M’vann Grayskull escribió:En resumen muy resumido:
Él manejaba el tema de los comics de 200x; después todo lo referido a esa "era" de MOTU se canceló y obvio, su vinculo con Mattel llegó a su fin. Después, hoy en día, Mattel no lo tuvo en cuenta para nada relacionado a MOTUC, Emiliano se enojó, y acusa que le robaron algunas ideas.
Gracias! Algo de eso me fui dando cuenta pero necesitaba una historia resumida como esa!

Mensajes : 63
Fecha de inscripción : 22/10/2013

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Emiliano Santalucia Q&A Empty Re: Emiliano Santalucia Q&A

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